Final Empire Guild Charter

Moderators: Strumph, Fenudir

Leadership Council
Posts: 1832
Registered for: 11 years 11 months

Final Empire Guild Charter

Post by Fenudir »

I. About Final Empire
Final Empire is an upper end raiding guild on the Povar server. We behave with honor and expect those who wear our tag to do the same. We support our members, treat each other with respect, and see the game as a balance between raiding/progression and social interaction.

The guild is run by a leader, a leadership council and class leaders. The leadership has an open door policy regarding member concerns or difficulties and we pride ourselves on being very responsive.

We do raid a lot and focus on progression so, for the members who can devote the time, there is loot and high end content. We use a DKP system for loot distribution. The players that raid more often have more points to spend on loot. Special case items (quest pieces, needed spells, etc.) may be awarded by the leadership on a case by case basis.

II. General Rules
The following are Final Empire's Rules and Regulations. Keep in mind that just because it is not written here it is not evidence that a specific behavior is acceptable. We expect every member to bring honor and pride to our guild tag by acting with common sense. Below is a list of general rules. However common sense and good judgment are precursors to any rule. If you think something might be considered wrong, it probably is.

A. Attitude & Conduct
You are to conduct yourself with maturity and respect. Every member's attitude and conduct are a direct reflection on this guild. The following are basic guidelines for expected behavior:
• Always act with honor and play fair.
• Everyone is entitled to an opinion, you are to respect that opinion and not flame them for it.
• You are required to conduct yourself in a manner which we can be proud of. We will not tolerate /ooc disputes, ninja looting, kill stealing, etc.
• Arguments and disputes should be handled in tells, not guild/group/public channels.
• Try to refrain from saying things in guild that would or could start an argument.
• All guilded characters are expected to wear the Final Empire tag with pride at all times. The use of /anon is prohibited unless given specific permission by the leadership council to the contrary. Using /role is fine.
• It shouldn’t need to be said but following the rules set forth in the Everquest EULA is required.

B. Self Improvement
You are expected to self improve every aspect of your character. This guild will not hold anyone's hand, members are expected to take responsibility for themselves.
• You are expected to obtain all needed spells/runes for your class that are beneficial to our raids or in our groups.
• You are expected to acquire all suggested AA's for your class, with particular emphasis being place on AA's that have a raid application.
• You are expected to provide yourself with whatever upgrades possible through groups and DKP purchases.
• You are expected to have augs in all pieces of gear, empty aug slots are not acceptable. Check the forums for the current aug standard.
• You are expected to have your epic if still used in current content i.e. Bard/Shadow Knight/Shaman and Ranger.
• When not raiding, you are expected to make obtaining all flags and required group tasks your number one priority.

C. Guild Interaction
Our members are what make our guild. Members are strongly encouraged to participate in guild chat.
• When grouping, always try to fill empty spots with guild members.
• We encourage everyone to use Mumble during raids and even on off-raiding times. You will find this information in the guild MOTD.
• Although Mumble is a different mode of interaction, the same rules for respecting your fellow guild mates is still required.
• While 'cliques' are a normal part of any guild, members are encouraged to group with all guild mates.

III. Raid Rules
The following are the raid rules for Final Empire. Although the rules are comprehensive, not all circumstances can be planned for. In such cases, the leadership will make a decision at the moment. If the situation is immediate, the raid leader has sole and final say.

A. Raiding behavior
• No Flaming. If you have a problem with another member, make every attempt to deal with the problem between yourselves. If that isn't possible, bring it to the attention of an officer and we will try to assist you in dealing with it. You are permitted your opinion and thoughts, but don't just flame another person, there are people behind the monitor with feelings. If another member verbally assaults you, get a screenshot and bring it to the attention of an officer. Do not escalate the situation.
• Do not disrespect or disregard any officer or raid leaders instructions. You are allowed to disagree with an officer, but you cannot disrespect nor disregard what they say. Everyone is entitled to their opinion however give your opinion and let it go. It is up to them to discuss it among themselves and decide whether or not to include your suggestion.
• Listen to leaders the first time they tell you to do something. If you want to disagree do it via tells after the raid or situation is over.
• One of our goals is improvement and frequently members will receive constructive feedback in an attempt to better their play. If you are hypersensitive or easily offended, please think twice about applying. We WILL give you feedback. It is part of the continual learning process in the game. That said, we are happy to hear constructive comments from you as well.
• Arguing during a raid will not be tolerated.

B. Raid Performance
• Whether you are on a raid with Final Empire or with another guild, ALWAYS act with decency, honor, and most of all, common sense.
• It is your responsibility to know where and how to get to any raid location.
• It is a requirement for every member to have in-game maps.
• It is required to install GINA and use the FE Audio Triggers for raids. This is not optional. If you don't have speakers or headphones and/or refuse to get them, this is not the guild for you.
• You must follow the raid leader's instructions at all times no matter what the situation. Instant compliance to raid instructions is mandatory.
• Do NOT 'ninja-afk.' Additionally, do not go AFK during an encounter unless it is absolutely necessary.
• Assist the Main Assist at all times.
• Do not break mez.
• Do not pre-charge mobs. We have a main assist for more than one reason. You are to wait for their ASSIST call, not just their pull call. If assist isn't called attack the mob at 90% unless told otherwise.
• The raid channel is for raid instructions from the raid leader and/or raid staff and up only. Hot key announcements (slows, buffs, etc.) do not belong there and should go to the appropriate channels listed in the forums.
• The only people allowed to give orders are those who are put in charge specifically by the raid leaders or an officer.
• Do not ask for buffs in chat channels. Message a specific class member and ask them for whatever buff you need. There are no exceptions to this rule.
• All raiding members of FE must have a solid, consistent internet connection and a decent computer. Constant lagging and/or ld'ing due to bad internet or computer is unacceptable.
• All raiders are required to have and use a shrink item and be shrunk during raids (Enchanters are the only exception to this rule).
• All raiders are required to have some way to invis and levitate.
• We may compete with other guilds for the same target. This will not be taken lightly nor in an immature capacity. You may not debate it in public channels. The raid leader or guild leader will decide the course of action, and you are expected to follow their decision.
• You are not to publicly question the authority or instructions of any raid leader or officer. If you have a concern, or suggestion you are to do that in tells. Do not get frustrated and irritated if they do not respond (think if all 50+ ppl were sending them a tell).
• Pet classes: : pet hold is required and you are required to always have your pet on hold. If you do not have pet hold do not make a pet. If kill pets is stated by a raid leader you are to kill your pet immediately.
• Mounts are allowed on raids. If you choose to be on a mount on raids you must shrink, or use a mount with a small graphic like a carpet or whirly mount. There may be exceptions to this depending on the raid mechanics.
• Using illusions that mimic mobs is not permitted during raids as it can cause confusion.

C. Raid Attendance
Final Empire is first and foremost a Raid Guild. As such, the following is a basic guideline for raiding:
• Our set raid days are Sunday (6:00pm-10:00pm cst) and Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (7:00pm-11:00pm cst). We may have raids scheduled in advance for our off nights. However, this does not preclude a raid from being called at any other time during the week.
• If you are online during raid hours, you are expected to attend any raid that is called. The only exceptions are those approved by an officer or raid leader or you are unable to attend the raid due to circumstances out of your control (no raid spots, no piggie spots, too late to reach us). When you are not at a raid, but online, you are expected to be improving yourself whether it be getting AA's or farming for items.
• Priority in this guild will always be based on raid attendance. As stated above, more play = more say.
• Our main focus at this time is to raid high end content. This implies a cycle of farming will be necessary in order to advance to the next level of progression.
• Raid attendance is required to be maintained at 50%.
• AFK's of 90 days or more may result in either being removed from the guild or being placed as FnF at the discretion of the leadership.
• Any member falling under 50% attendance for 90 days will be put on Restricted Loot (RL)
• Maintaining your RA ensures Full Member privilege of being able to bid on loots at all prices.

D. DKP & Loot
1. DKP
a. Raiders (members, apps and fnf) receive one DKP point per hour of raiding whether on raid or in sitters channel as long as they are acknowledged as available by the raid leader or designated attendance taker and it is an official DKP night
b. Raiders receive DKP only for their designated main, regardless of which toon or how many they have active
c. Raiders with DKP can only spend that DKP on their designated main, not for alts or bots or someone elses account
d. Raiders with DKP cannot spend plat for rotting loot, they must use DKP (see below under rotting loot for more)
e. Anyone with DKP can bid on items regardless of participation level, even if they have just logged in and missed the entire event
f. Max bid is currently 75, fnf and those with under 50% 90-day RA may bid a max of 45, apps may bid a max of 15
g. Min bid for current content is 5 for primary, secondary and any range item, 10 for all else, and can be lowered late in the season if officers so agree. Older content is 1 DKP minimum or random roll as determined by raid leader

2. Spending DKP
a. all raid loot will be handled by designated auctioneers
b. most loots distributed by our DKP system, but leaders reserve the right to handle loot differently under certain circumstances (examples: fixing an error, keys and flags, random roll for old content, quest items) Leaders also reserve the right to allow members to go slightly over the negative dkp cap if the item would rot.
c. Members and apps can go to -30, fnf to -15, but you cannot make a bid over the minimum if you don't have the minimum already posted on the website. Instead, you send in the bid for the minimum and alert the auctioneer that you will end up in the negative.
d. Loot bidding is done in the guild chat channel. Try to curtail chat in guild channel while bidding is being done.
e. We accept bids on current content in multiples of 5. Older content can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then increments of 5

3. Bidding on Raid Loot
a. the designated auctioneer will call out items up for distribution.
b. Tells for loot should be sent in the format; /tell <auctioneer name> <item link> <bid>. (Example: /tell enjo Fenudir’s Axe 25) using a link of the item. The item link is picked up by the parsing program, failure to use the link may result in your bid being missed.
c. The auctioneer will give time for everyone to send in a bid, sometimes calling out a timer of some sort (first call, second call, last call) then call closed. Any bids submitted after closed is called may be disqualified
d. All raiders with DKP should submit bids during this time, you won't get another chance

4. Determining Winner
Our goal is to get the loot on the full member main toons that raid with us the most. If there are multiple items of the same kind, the 'better' version will be the first person on the list (for example, higher luck). If there are multiple items of the same kind awarded in the same event or evening, the lowest cost will be assigned to all who got the item that evening.

1. Eliminate all non-full members. If no full member bids, do for apps. If no app, do for fnf. FM>App>FnF.
2. Award it to the highest bidder.
3. If highest bidders are tied, eliminate anyone who would end up negative, award to highest 90-day RA (If all bidders would end up negative, award to person who would go least negative)
4. If still tied, award to highest lifetime, if lifetime tied, random roll
5. If no one wants to spend DKP on the item at all, it then goes to rot. The auctioneer calls out rot and a new round of bidding may take place for alts and bots. Current content gear we sell for 150,000 plat, last year's gear for 100,000 plat, older gear can be 75 or 50k plat or random roll depending on leader agreement. To determine who wins rotting gear is even more time consuming and complicated than with DKP. we follow the steps below:

Step 1: If a FM wants it for their alt / bot, eliminate all apps and FNF from consideration and skip to step 3. (FM > app > fnf )
Step 2: If no FM wants and an app does, eliminate all FNF from consideration. (Apps > fnf)
Step 3: eliminate all those whose 90-day RA is below 40%. If this would result in no winner, skip this step.
Step 4: Eliminate all toons that cannot use the item immediately. If the item is 115 req, then any toon not 115 is eliminated. If all toons are below 115, give to highest level. If tie, continue below using those tied highest level toons only.
Step 5 : eliminate all those who have received an item in past 30 days (unless every bidder has, then go to step 7).
Step 6 : Compare each remaining bidders' 90-day RA, highest wins - if tie use lifetime dkp for winner.
Step 7 : If every bidder has won an item in past 30 days, look to see who has spent the longest time without winning and award to them. Award to someone who got item that is higher on the list because that is the event we did earlier on that night and / or they had higher RA.

note: if two people on the 30-day list get an item on the same event, they get placed at the bottom of the list in the same order they began (higher RA won't jump you a spot).
E. DKP Cap
• All members are limited to a maximum bank of 250DKP unless their gear and augmentations meet or exceed current guild requirements. The current standard is listed in the raiding section of the forums.

F. Spell Loot
• Spells are distributed based off of 90 day raid attendance.
• The distribution is done in two parts with half the spells per level being distributed through the guild before distributing the second half.
• Some spells may be awarded out of order by the leadership if needed for specific spells or buffs.

IV. Activeness
Our guild recognizes that real life will always come before Everquest. However, do not use 'real life' as an excuse to 'mask' disinterest in the game. All members are expected to be active.
• If for any reason you will be unable to play for any extended period of time you are expected to post a message on the boards regarding when, why and how long until you expect to be back.
• If you are a casual player you must understand that priority will be given to our members who play full time. The guild has Friends and Family (FnF) status for the casual players.
• More play = more say. Inactive members should show appropriate restraint regarding posting to forums topics about in game issues, applications, progression, etc.
• If a raid is full, members with a 90-day raiding percent under 50% are not guaranteed their spot. However, if they are asked to sit out, in order to get credit for the raid they must remain logged in and join the "waiting" channel while raids are still in progress. Also, if you arrive late to a full raid and have to wait for a spot to open, join the "waiting" channel and you will get credit for any subsequent raid dumps while you wait for a spot. Keep in mind, waiting for your spot means being at your computer and doing something productive while you wait. As spots open up in the raid you may be invited to join us. Invites will be sent to people on the "wait" list. If you do not respond, there is a chance that you will not be given DKP for that hour. If you're waiting for a chance to join the raid, you must take the invite when it comes in order to receive credit.
• If you leave Final Empire on good terms you are welcome to come back once. However coming back will result in a DKP wipe. If you leave again, the leadership has discretion on who is invited back and it may go to the applicant council for a vote.

V. Switching Mains
• A switch to another Main character is possible in some circumstances and must receive approval from the Leadership council.

VI. Non raiding toons

Final Empire's policy on FnFs is as follows:
• FnFs must be level 85 to get a tag.
• FnFs must have a full guild member as a sponsor. The sponsors name will be added to the FNF's public note in the Guild Management Tool.
• FnFs are expected to conform to all of the same rules as full members.

B. Alts & Bots
Final Empire's policy on Alts / Bots is as follows:
• An Alt (same account) or Bot (different account) must be level 85 to get a tag.
• A main character will always have priority for a raid spot over any alt or bot during raids, unless a specific class is needed.
• ALTs/BOTs do not receive DKP and are NOT a guild priority. Complaining about lack of love for one's BOT/ALT will fall on deaf ears and will not be tolerated. Each full member is here for their Main character. Any other characters are not the responsibility of the guild and they may or may not receive rotting loot or flags.

Click here for application form.